
Brain Wave States

The brain is composed of individual nerve cells called neurons. These cells communicate through electrical charges by way of specialized connections called synapses. As it governs, initiates, and responds to all our biological functions, the brain is vibrating at specific frequencies. These frequencies range from deep relaxation to high arousal,...

Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI)

The notion that our thoughts can affect our bodies, or that our thoughts had any “power” in a physical sense was once absurd. It was quackery and pseudoscience. Well, not anymore. In fact there is an entire branch of science dedicated to understanding this phenomenon. And it is called psychoneuroimmunology. ...

Mirror Neurons

There is a neurological reason behind the idea that you should surround yourself with people you want to emulate. Or if you want to improve something, like your health and well-being, you should consume health improving content, particularly videos. It's because we have specialized brain cells that help us to...

Hormesis and the Importance of Good Stress

Chronic, self-inflicted stress is bad. The kind of stress that occurs from negative thinking and is perpetuated over and over again from our minds wreaks havoc on our bodies and leads to sickness and disease. But not all stress is bad. In fact, we need some stress in our lives...

Neurogenesis: Growing New Brain Cells

Can we grow new brain cells as adults? The science community on this topic known as neurogenesis has been torn for years. But the majority of research seems to suggest that yes, it is possible for the human brain to generate new cells later in life.  For decades, scientists thought...