
Neuroplasticity: Changing the Brain

Hebb’s Law is a term in neuroscience that says, “Neurons that fire together, wire together.” Consistent firing of neurons (brain cells) through repetitive thoughts, feelings and actions physically changes the brain. This is called neuroplasticity.  Billions of neurons make up our brains. They communicate through tiny electrical impulses. Over time,...

The Stress Response and Why it Can Hurt Our Health

Here’s a terrifying thought: every time we are stressed out, our bodies fire a mechanism that hinders many major biological functions. Things like digestion, rational thought and reproduction lessen in functionality. Oh, and it's essentially uncontrollable. Well, this is exactly what happens during the stress response.  During an intense emotional...

Philosophy and Health Improvement

Sometimes I’m asked the question, "What the best way is to improve health?”  And I like to say “philosophy”. And that usually raises an eyebrow. So let me explain. Physical health improvement begins and ends in the brain and with our thoughts. Our beliefs run the show. They affect our...

Breathing Techniques for Instant Relaxation

Ever find yourself so stressed out in the heat of the moment and you’re not quite sure what to do to calm down? Well, just breathe. Maybe you’ve heard that before and have thought to yourself, “I AM breathing!!” But maybe not in a way that promotes relaxation and ease...

Placebo and the Power of Belief

Our minds control everything in our lives, from our health and well-being to our stress levels, feelings and emotional reactions. Our beliefs run the show. And beliefs are POWERFUL. Just look at the placebo effect.  The placebo effect occurs when a fake drug treatment given to a patient and causes...