
Food and Mood

I don’t talk a lot about food on this platform because that’s not really in my wheelhouse. There are tons of good nutrition resources out there and everyone is very different when it comes to what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat, lifestyle, etc. I feel as...

Attention and the Reticular Activating System

The reticular activating system is a brain network involved in attention. It is responsible for filtering sensory information from our environment to our conscious awareness or our prefrontal cortex. It is essentially the attention filter in our brains. The reticular activating system is the reason why the “law of attraction“...

Dopamine Pathway

Our brains govern everything in our lives. Our wants and desires, our fears, our behaviors. And the fundamental “wiring” essentially is the same as it was thousands of years ago. For survival purposes, we’ve been wired to avoid pain (stay safe and alive), and seek out pleasure (shelter, food, sex)....

Do You Have Burnout?

Are you burnt out? At work? At life? Do you know burnout is a real thing? Well, it may not be as scientific or as measurable or quantifiable as something like stress, but it certainly exists and can be really harmful to your health.  There are many signs and symptoms...


The way to achieve lasting change in any area in life, like health and mental well-being, is by generating neuroplasticity, or rewiring of brain connections. There are certain behavioral requirements that make neuroplasticity possible. These include repetition, focus, urgency, challenge and sleep. In conjunction with these actions, there are molecules...