Hi, I’m Brandon Hall, Founder of Logic Mind & Health. Welcome to the platform! A quick bit about myself: I am a health and wellness fanatic, former Division 1 football player, and business professional.
I created the Logic Mind & Health platform for one very simple yet very specific reason – STRESS. It’s a huge problem in our lives today. Everywhere you look people are stressed out! And many are coping in very unhealthy ways.
Stress is a huge factor in depression, anxiety and disease – and it really doesn’t seem to be improving. I know first hand what it can do to the human body. Both of my parents were diagnosed with cancer at age 50 after extremely stressful times in their lives.
I’ve also struggled with stress my entire life, both personally and professionally. For over 10 years I worked in a medical device job that put me in the operating almost daily. I controlled patients heart beats with my medical equipment, literally holding their lives in the palm of my hand.
That, on top of being raised in a very high strung environment, led to a lot of stress and fear. It wreaked havoc on my weight, my blood pressure, my mental health. I gave in to stress for way too long and had to find a permanent solution.
So I put 10+ years of corporate experience and 5+ years of research and practice into this platform and the book I wrote. I want to help others with similar struggles.
So What is Logic Mind & Health?
Logic Mind & Health is a wellness platform that consists of a book, a podcast, a blog, social media, and a professional development service. But it’s not like many of the wellness platforms you may encounter today – ones that focus on diet, fitness, nutrition, biohacking.
No, here we go beyond the physical and directly to the source of all things health and wellness. That source being the mind, the way the brain works, what ultimately drives human behavior. We tackle the huge challenge of improving mental health.
And we go deep. We focus on a very specific way to think and act. We talk about everything from physiology to psychology to philosophy – meaning and purpose and the fundamental source of reality. Because it’s the philosophical notions of love and meaning and purpose and belief that ultimately dictate our lives.
It’s a bit cliche but I feel like this is a calling. I’ve been encouraged by the people I’ve shared this with to create a platform and help others who are also struggling with stress.
I found some very unique ways to reframe the way I think about the world. I also found specific practices to mitigate stress and eliminate the source of my stress – which is ultimately just my mind. These practices and new ways of thinking completely changed my life. And I’ve seen it impact others as well.
So this is me trying to do my part to help. There needs to be greater awareness and education around the way the brain and mind work. We need to implement consistent ways to improve them!
Education and Inspiration
The various aspects of the platform provide a little education and a little spark for action. They will help you eliminate stressful thoughts and replace them with healthy ones – rooted in philosophy; rooted in meaning, purpose, love, the ultimate source of health and wellbeing.
They cover everything from brain chemistry to brain structure and function; how habits form; breaking bad habits and creating better ones; how to manage your stress and live a better life.
Logic Mind & Health will show you how you can calm your mind and your emotions so you can take control of your thoughts – how to develop new beliefs that lead to healthy actions and emotions. We will facilitate deep thought and help you realize greater meaning and purpose in your life.
Thank you for visiting and let us know how we can help make the platform even better!
Social Media Accounts
@logicmindandhealth (Instagram)
@logicmindandhealth (Facebook)
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