The practices and ways of thinking described in the book, on the podcast and on these blog posts have multiple benefits. First and foremost is stress reduction, but also greater focus and concentration, greater productivity, greater sense of purpose and well-being. There’s another benefit that is extremely important when it comes to success in life, particularly in the working world. And that benefit is greater emotional intelligence.
The definition of emotional intelligence is: the ability to recognize and appropriately manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. It is referred to as “EQ” and often talked about in conjunction with “IQ” (intelligence quotient).
IQ is a direct measure of intelligence via tests that score a person’s intellect. There are also assessments for EQ that do just the same, but in the category of emotional awareness and management.
An excellent resource for improving EQ is “Emotional Intelligence 2.0” by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves. In the book, they mention people with a high IQ rarely outperform those with average IQ. But most of the time, people with average IQ’s outperform those with a high IQ’s. They attribute this phenomenon to high EQ. They also state that EQ Accounts for 58% of all performance in all types of jobs.
Emotional Intelligence Research
According to their research, emotional intelligence is the single biggest predictor of performance in the workplace. It’s also the strongest driver of leadership and personal excellence. Astonishingly, the link between EQ and earnings is so direct that every one point increase in EQ adds $1300 to annual salary. This finding holds true for people in all industries at all levels in every region of the world!
EQ can be improved over time, with various techniques like meditation, mindfulness, journaling, cognitive restructuring, empathy, and more effective communication (all described on this platform). These are also the same methods for improving stress management, mindset, and overall well-being.
These practices help you develop greater self-awareness of your thoughts, feelings and actions. They help you to dissect your thinking, challenge it, and improve it. They literally rewire your brain so you become more in touch with your emotions and actually become less emotional.
So take some time today to give one of the practices that improve EQ a try. Start small and keep it simple. Over time, you will see improvement in your emotional management and better results in your personal and professional life.
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