In my blog post about God, I described God as the ultimate source of health and well-being. We can tap into this source with our minds and take action rooted in God’s nature that is good for us. It leads to greater… well… EVERYTHING… in our lives. Here’s a specific example of just how to do that. I call it divine empathy.
It quite simply involves putting yourself in God’s shoes. Seeing the world through the eyes of the creator. Thinking and acting as if you were the embodiment of perfect love, perfect goodness, and perfect beauty. Because that is, by definition, what God is.
Love is willing the good of another. And sometimes it’s tough love. Sometimes it’s not intervening in a situation when you feel the urge to.
Goodness is directing something toward its ultimate purpose, according to its intrinsic nature. Our ultimate purpose is to enact our diving attributes. It’s to use the unique characteristics that make us genuinely human: rationality, creativity, compassion, altruism. This leads to human flourishing and greater well-being. And this produces beauty.
See the World Through a Better Lens
So divine empathy means using your mind to see the world through a better lens. It means you are acting toward the greater good in any situation. It involves considering the big picture and always having the other person’s best interest in mind.
But that doesn’t mean never making a mistake or not ever hurting anyone. Because you will. And that’s ok, because everyone fails. However, it does mean always trying to do the right thing. Trying to learn from our failures. It means pursuing perfection – because perfection exists.
So the next time you are facing a difficult situation, or under a great amount of stress, try a little divine empathy. If you are unsure of how to think or act in a particular situation, put yourself in God’s shoes.
Ask yourself what is the most loving, most beautiful course of action to take. Ask yourself what may be the future outcome of a present situation. Consider the possibility of short term pain leading to long-term gain. Think of ways you can bring about the greatest degree of love and goodness to someone’s life. And then go do it!
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