
What is Truth?

Aristotle said this about truth: “To say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true”. The world or our reality provides “what is” or “what is not,” and the true saying or thought corresponds to what the world provides. In other...

CBT: Changing the Way We Think, Feel and Act

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of talk therapy that has been clinically shown to improve things like mental health, human behavior and overall well-being. It is usually done with a professional, but it can be self administered. Now, if you’re like I was and you hear the word...

Purpose: We’ve All Got One and It’s Good for Us

I find it absolutely fascinating that we can use deep, rational thinking to discover truths about the world. We don’t need any other external source other than our minds to provide answers to some of life’s biggest questions. One in particular is the question of purpose. What exactly is our...

Journaling for Health Improvement

A simple, effective way to reduce your stress, gain clarity of thought and improve your emotional state is through journaling. Yes, like when we were in grade school, keeping a journal. Journaling has some surprising health benefits and there is quite a lot of science to support this notion. Research...