I consider myself a person of science. I have worked in the medical device industry for over a decade. I’ve seen what science can do; seen life-saving medical technology work first hand. Science is real and powerful. But science deals with physical reality – things inside our universe that we can sample, measure, and quantify. There are some things it quite simply can’t explain, and will likely never be able to explain.
Far too many people trying to improve their physical health focus heavily on the science or physical health actions like diet, fitness and sleep. All are extremely important. But what drives people to WANT to improve their physique, energy levels, eat the apple vs the donut is their mind. It’s their thoughts and beliefs. All of which are not physical.
That is why we try to take a comprehensive approach to improving well-being at Logic Mind & Health. That is why we talk about psychology and philosophy. That’s why we deeply explore our thoughts, meaning, purpose, beauty and the associated health benefits. Because these aspects of reality are not physical in nature.
They cannot be proved, disproved or validated through a scientific method. We can certainly use science to illustrate the benefits of setting our minds and subsequent actions on these aspects of reality. But we can’t use science on them directly. We can’t measure or quantify purpose or meaning.
This is why it is so important to focus on the non-physical aspects of our reality, when it comes to health improvement – namely our philosophical thinking. See, there are so many aspects to our reality that can’t be explained or quantified by science. And they have a real impact on our well-being.
What Science Can’t Explain
Here are a few things that science can’t explain: Why we have consciousness, self-awareness, mathematics, rationality of numbers, logic, minds, ethics, aesthetics, morality, why life started, why we are here (you know those biggy questions), and even science itself.
Science should not be the end-all-be-all. A simple example: Yesterday, eggs were bad. They are high in cholesterol, could lead to heart disease, should be limited in the diet. And today they’re great! Eat as many as you like, yellow part included. Coconut oil was the latest and greatest fad, excellent for health and now it’s bad. Does saturated fat cause heart disease? Does bacon cause cancer? The examples go on and on.
Science works, advances our society and is an extraordinary capability of the human mind. The scientific method, medical technology and pharmacology are brilliant. They are especially needed for health related things like trauma and physical bodily damage. But we are concerned about proactive prevention of stress related illnesses, particularly the self-induced kind versus environmental toxins or chemicals. And that comes from the mind.
Science is awesome but it has its limitations. And it is constantly changing and evolving. Which, again, is a good thing. But there are aspects of reality that science can’t touch. And these aspects have a significant impact on health and well-being. Go beyond science into these aspects of reality, like philosophy, critical thinking, consciousness and the mind for greater health improvement.
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