
Do We Have A Soul?

When we are talking about deep philosophical notions such as the ultimate foundation of reality, human life, meaning and purpose, inevitably the idea will come up regarding life after death. In particular, if there is any life after death, what that could potentially be like, and in what capacity could...

Attention and the Reticular Activating System

The reticular activating system is a brain network involved in attention. It is responsible for filtering sensory information from our environment to our conscious awareness or our prefrontal cortex. It is essentially the attention filter in our brains. The reticular activating system is the reason why the “law of attraction“...

The Key to Improving Mental Health

The key to lasting improvement in mental health and well-being, based upon scientific research and personal experience, is all about improving our brain. Specifically, the logical portion, the part responsible for planning and action, self-control, and decision making. And that is the prefrontal cortex. It's all about using greater logic...


There are many definitions for the word hope. But hope is essentially a belief or a desire that something can or will happen. Hope is a belief that is similar to the belief in a growth mindset. That's the belief that it is possible to change and improve. Hope and...