
Food and Mood

I don’t talk a lot about food on this platform because that’s not really in my wheelhouse. There are tons of good nutrition resources out there and everyone is very different when it comes to what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat, lifestyle, etc. I feel as...

The Quickest Way to Feel Better

When you are down in the dumps, how do you make yourself feel better? I mean quickly and naturally, without any chemical intervention (not that pharmaceuticals are bad). There are 2 ingredients, so to speak, to feeling better almost instantly. One has to do with the body, and the other...

Acupressure and Stress Relief

I talk about a lot of practices and tools to better manage stress and anxiety on this platform. Some simple, some a little bit more complex, and some a little bit unique (like Tapping). Full disclosure, some of these practices don’t have the most rigorous scientific studies to support them....

Fitness and Nutrition Coach Mike Dolce

There is no doubt that diet and exercise play a key role in mental health and well-being. Poor nutrition and suboptimal physique can wreak havoc on our minds and our brains. Conversely, simply eating healthy and exercising regularly can do wonders for our states of mind and our lives. So,...

Do We Have A Soul?

When we are talking about deep philosophical notions such as the ultimate foundation of reality, human life, meaning and purpose, inevitably the idea will come up regarding life after death. In particular, if there is any life after death, what that could potentially be like, and in what capacity could...