
Do We Have A Soul?

When we are talking about deep philosophical notions such as the ultimate foundation of reality, human life, meaning and purpose, inevitably the idea will come up regarding life after death. In particular, if there is any life after death, what that could potentially be like, and in what capacity could...


There are many definitions for the word hope. But hope is essentially a belief or a desire that something can or will happen. Hope is a belief that is similar to the belief in a growth mindset. That's the belief that it is possible to change and improve. Hope and...

An Argument for God from Health

Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, and many others have argued brilliantly for the existence of God from things like motion, potentiality and actuality or contingency. I’m sure this argument has been brought to the table, and I’m quite certain that these are not my original thoughts, but I thought of another argument...

God and the Contingent Nature of the World

I like philosophical arguments for the existence of God. For anybody who is familiar with this platform, that is not surprising. One of the many reasons is because thinking philosophically and deeply is good for the brain. But also, I find these philosophical arguments to be extremely compelling, and give...

Thinking About God

I like to think about God a lot. And write my thoughts down as part of my journal, which usually turn into a blog post. Now, to some people, it may seem a bit out of place for me to talk about God on this platform. To mix in religion...