

Be Perfect?

I’ve often heard that we shouldn’t strive to be perfect because perfection is unattainable. It puts too much mental strain on us. It gives people the wrong message. Life is not about being perfect - life is about just being you or just being good. I couldn’t disagree more. But...

Play and Improving Brain Function

Play is not just reserved for children. It is not just reserved for sport or fun. Play, according to science, it’s vital for brain development. Play is as much exercise for the brain as it is for the body. When we play, our brain releases chemicals that make us feel...

Belief Effects

Thoughts affect biology, and this is well established in the fields of medicine and psychology. This phenomenon is called a belief effect. As examples, look at both the placebo and nocebo effects, which I've highlighted on this platform before. In a nutshell, a placebo is when a patient expects a...

Prayer: A Powerful Mental Practice

One mental fitness practice (not often associated with or referred to as a mental practice) that can have a profound impact on well-being is prayer. Prayer has been shown to reduce stress, lower anxiety and depressive symptoms, and help better cope with pain. It is simple to do and accessible...