

EFT Tapping

A simple, effective, albeit a little strange, stress reduction tool is called EFT, or Tapping. EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. This technique combines the ancient practice of acupressure with practices like visualization, affirmation and positive psychology.  The theory behind acupressure, which is rooted in Chinese medicine, is that there...

Trauma Inherited

I talk a lot about stress management on this platform for a variety of good reasons: chronic stress is bad for health, better stress management is good for health and well-being, can lead to greater results in the workplace, better relationships, and so forth. Well, one surprisingly good reason to...

Thinking About God

I like to think about God a lot. And write my thoughts down as part of my journal, which usually turn into a blog post. Now, to some people, it may seem a bit out of place for me to talk about God on this platform. To mix in religion...

Commander Mark Divine

Mark Divine is a retired Navy SEAL Team Commander, founder and CEO of SEALFIT, Unbeatable Mind, as well as a New York Times Best Selling Author. His wildly successful and popular training programs have helped countless people around the work and military personnel improve their outcomes and garner greater success...

Overcoming Resistance to Change

Change can be hard. People express resistance to change, both consciously and unconsciously, especially when it comes to behaviors. Stanford psychiatrist Dr. David Burns, who wrote the best selling book Feeling Good, explains why this resistance occurs and how to overcome it. And it is the key component to his...